The 5 Best Dog Litter Boxes in 2022

Dog Litter Box

Litter boxes are usually for cats, but they’re also beneficial for dogs. Both dogs and cats go about their business differently, so litter boxes designed for dogs have a different design. That said, numerous “dog litter boxes” have no use for any litter at all. Reach out to your veterinarian for the best advice when potty training your pup or if you have a senior pup with mobility issues and you’re unsure as to which dog litter box to use.

In this review, we’ll show you the different types of litter boxes and indoor dog litter boxes that are currently on the market for your dog, as well as the characteristics that make these our top 5 picks for the best dog litter boxes in 2022.

Below, we’ve compiled five of the best indoor dog litter box options for you, showing each of the varying styles that are most popular today. No matter which type you prefer, your search should start with one of the specific products listed here to save you time and money.

Quick Picks: Top 5 Dog Litter Boxes in 2022

PETMAKER Artificial Grass Our Choice 9.5 Low price 2 different sizes
Fresh Patch Disposable Dog Potty 9.2 Low price 4 different sizes
PetSafe Pet Loo Dog Potty 9.1 High price 3 different sizes
HQ4us Dog Litter Box 9.0 Average price 2 different sizes
Blyss Pets Indoor Dog Potty 8.6 Low price 21.5'' (L) x 16.5'' (W) x 1.25''

Frequently Asked Questions

Maltese Puppy Dog Sitting on Grass

Why Choose a Dog Litter Box?

If you opt for a dog litter box brand without a collection tray, you’ll need to get your disposable absorbent pads to absorb the mess. The type of surface mat you opt for will depend on your pup. There are three types of potty mats:

  • grass
  • plastic
  • fabric

Grass Mats Verses Plastic or Rubber Dog Litter Boxes

Grass mats work well because they simulate natural dog outdoor potty behavior. Grass dog litter mats are crafted with synthetic or natural grass. Synthetic grass mats have many advantages because they can be easily washed and reused. They’re cost-effective and sustainable in that you can reuse them often.

Some grass mats feature plastic with rubber backing. In contrast, other artificial mats may feature numerous drainage holes to allow your dog’s urine to flow easily onto the collection tray or pad. Some grass mats are crafted with clips that will keep your artificial grass mat in place and stop it from slipping onto your floor, resulting in a mess.

Original grass mat litter boxes for dogs feature actual patches of grass shipped in cardboard boxes that double up as durable collection trays. Grass mat dog litter boxes are easily disposable but may be expensive over time, especially if you’re a multi-pet household.

Actual grass mats are beneficial in teaching your puppy to go potty on grass and not on the floor. Essential grass dog litter boxes may need to be replaced sooner than later due to foul odors or yellowing of the grass.

Why Choose a Plastic Puppy or Dog Litter Box?

Plastic indoor dog litter boxes usually feature grids that snap securely to underlying collection trays. The plastic dog litter box brands are typically crafted to be sturdier than grass options. But you’ll need to watch out when heavier dog breeds use these because they can become flimsy. If you’re a busy pet parent to a large dog breed, you should choose an appropriate dog litter box for your dog’s size.

Plastic grids won’t help your pup associate grass with positive potty training and may require further outdoor training. Plastic dog litter boxes may be less effective with solid dog waste because of the grids.

Plastic dog litter box models are crafted to be easy to clean. Whether you opt for either synthetic or artificial grass for your furry best friend, you’ll want to see how your dog uses the grass mat to ensure that it doesn’t chew through or play with the mat. Both types can be messy if chewed.

Why Opt for a Fabric Pad for a Dog Litter Box?

Absorbent fabric pads are excellent options and are crafted to make super absorbent liners. Many of these dog liners or pads are easily machine-washable. This minimizes their odor retention and keeps your home smelling good. Fabric pads may also feature non-slip rubber backs, waterproof bottom layers, and durable double stitching.

Fabric pads can’t absorb urine like dog litter boxes with collection trays. They also do not absorb the urine as quickly.

The Best Size Dog Litter Box

When deciding what size puppy litter box works best for your home, you’ll want to think about your dog breed and size. If the dog litter box is too small or flimsy to hold your dog’s weight, he may opt for another spot.

For the best results, you’ll probably want to opt for a dog litter box that will suit your dog’s breed and size. You may want to measure your pup and use the measurements to get the right-sized dog litter box for your puppy.

PETMAKER Artificial Grass Puppy Pad

PETMAKER Artificial Grass Puppy Pad
: 2 different sizes
9.5 - ratingLow price Our Choice

With over 15,500 positive reviews from satisfied customers, Petmaker artificial dog potty grass is priced well for multi-puppy homes, and is also a portable dog potty product that is effective. It’s available in two sizes, small and medium, and is crafted with synthetic grass as a grass potty pad.

What makes this puppy and dog litter box so popular is because the pet pad encompasses a three-layer system that makes clean up super easy. The mat sits on top of the plastic insert that locks in and allows liquid to drain into the durable collection tray. Here’s the take with Petmaker puppy potty dog litter box.

Size (LxWxH)
Small Medium
16 x 20 x 1.2 inches 1.75 x 21 x 26 inches

Key feature

  • Available in 2 sizes small and medium
  • Replacement pads for optimal hygiene
  • Synthetic
  • Priced affordably
  • Style: potty tray
  • Odor-resistant antimicrobial grass mat


  • Crafted with artificial grass
  • Three-layer system
  • Easy cleanup
  • Features synthetic plastic (grass mat) and hard plastic
  • It looks like natural grass
  • Features a detachable grid tray that allows urine to go through
  • Safe, non-toxic, and antimicrobial
  • Inexpensive


  • No XL size for large senior breeds
  • May smell quickly

Fresh Patch Disposable Dog Potty with Real Grass

Fresh Patch Disposable Dog Potty with Real Grass
: 4 different sizes
9.2 - ratingLow price

This product has over 4,000 positive listings and naturally absorbs liquids while controlling odors. This is a popular puppy potty training option that works well with pups and senior dogs using natural grass.

We like Fresh Patch Disposable Dog Potty with natural grass for use as a dog litter box because it’s available in 4 sizes from Mini to Extra Large for all dog breeds. It’s also priced well and allows for a mess-free home environment during puppy training. Here’s the take on this brand.

Size LxW (inches)
Mini Standart Large XLarge
16 x 12 24 x 16 24 x 24 24 x 48

Key feature

  • Over 4,000 positive ratings from satisfied customers
  • Priced well
  • Easy to clean
  • Available in 4 sizes for all dog breeds
  • Extra absorbent
  • Stylish & large


  • Controls odors
  • Made in the USA from patches of hydroponically grown grass
  • Sod pad is dirt free
  • No maintenance
  • Fully disposable/biodegradable
  • No cleaning needed
  • Ships throughout the US
  • Suitable for indoor/outdoor or balcony use
  • Features cardboard collection tray


  • The grass may not stay fresh that long
  • It may become pricey after a while
  • Only suitable for dogs up to 30 lbs

PetSafe Pet Loo Portable Dog Potty

PetSafe Pet Loo Portable Dog Potty
: 3 different sizes
9.1 - ratingHigh price

Another great product with over 2,600 positive ratings, PetSafe Pet Loo, is available in 3 sizes from small, medium, and large. This comes with a tray, grass pad, removable waste container, disposable pee pod, and wee sponge powder. This is an easy-to-clean dog potty for most dog breeds.

What’s great about this puppy and dog litter box is that the waste bin is covered, and the Wee Sponge powder works to trap smells and help keep the potty odor-free. The Pee-Pod easily slides out of the base, and the Wee Sponge powder turns the urine into a gel on contact to quickly dispose of the waste and keep your home smelling odorless. Here’s the take on this product.

Size LxWxH (inches)
Small Medium Large
17 x 21.75 x 5 24 x 24 x 5.5 33 x 33 x 5

Key feature

  • Easy to clean synthetic grass mat
  • Good for small spaces
  • Works well for large dog breeds
  • Petsafe is a leading global pet brand.


  • Grass mat is easily cleaned with warm, sudsy water
  • Crafted with disposable pee pods, removes easily from the base of the tray
  • Indoor/outdoor potty
  • Features wee sponge powder
  • Allows you to scoop solid waste
  • Urine quickly drains through the grass mat into the Pee Pod
  • Featured in assorted sizes for small and large breeds
  • Works well with PetSafe Wee Care Enzyme Cleaner


  • Pricey

HQ4us Dog Grass pad with Tray Dog Litter Box Toilet

HQ4us Dog Grass pad with Tray Dog Litter Box Toilet
: 2 different sizes
9.0 - ratingAverage price

The HQ4US dog grass pad with tray allows large breeds to use an indoor/outdoor dog litter box. This product has six times more drainage holes than other dog litter boxes. With this dog grass pad, you get two pieces of realistic grass mats, making this easy for daily use. The fake grass is crafted to be firmly fixed in the black rubber litter tray. There is also a unique drainage grate to clean out the grass faster for less odor.

Key feature

  • Special drainage system
  • Two pieces of artificial grass
  • Washable pads
  • Suitable for large breeds too
  • Easy to clean


  • Crafted for fast drainage
  • Fake grass is firmly fixed in the rubber mat for no spills
  • Features a drainage grate
  • It comes with a deodorizing pee pad for odorless potty training
  • Advanced absorption technology from Japan
  • 6 times more drainage holes on grass


  • May be pricey

Blyss Pets Klean Paws Indoor Dog Potty

Blyss Pets Klean Paws Indoor Dog Potty
: 21.5'' (L) x 16.5'' (W) x 1.25''
8.6 - ratingLow price

Blyss Pets features over 1,900 positive reviews from satisfied customers. We like this brand because it works when housetraining your puppy. This is a high-quality perforated grate crafted to allow for urine to flow directly below your dog’s feet into the training pad below. This product is best used with a puppy pee pad that’s easily removable. It’s also easy to clean, and your pup’s paws will stay dry. Here’s why we like this puppy and dog litter box.

Key feature

  • Crafted with an easy snap on/off grate system to prevent teething puppies from getting to training pads or newspaper
  • Priced well for multi-pet households
  • Effective in preventing potty accidents via spills
  • Works well with puppies, small breeds, and cats


  • Crafted to keep paws dry during potty training
  • Protects floors from accidents because urine flows through grates
  • Easy to clean
  • Durable even for teething pups
  • Suitable for senior cats that cannot jump into the litter box
  • Grate, pad, tray system for optimal efficiency
  • Amazon’s best-selling pet product
  • Perfect for young pups until they’re fully vaccinated


  • Not for large breeds

Final Thoughts

Indoor dog litter trays are incredibly convenient, especially if you have a senior dog or an injured dog with mobility issues. They also work well during puppyhood if you live in an apartment or if your puppy has not been fully vaccinated and you don’t want to expose him to other dogs.

For all dogs, young and old, dog litter boxes are a great convenience in the home. There are numerous ways to spoil your furbaby, and one of these is by having a high-quality dog litter box in your home.

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