Bombay Cat Breed Profile

Bombay Cat
13 to 20 inches
8 to 15 pounds
life span
12 to 20 years
Kentucky, USA
Affectionate with Family
Amount of Shedding
General Health
Potential for Playfulness
Tendency to Vocalize
Kid Friendly
Friendly Toward Strangers
Easy to Groom
Pet Friendly

The Bombay cat breed was bred by a Louisville, Kentucky cat breeder, Nicky Horner. She wanted a short-haired, black-eyed, mini panther like cat breed. She was inspired by the black leopard of India.

Brief History

The Bombay has no link to wild cats. In 1953, the Bombay was bred through selective breeding. Horner bred a black American Shorthair cat to a sable, Burmese female that was a Grand Champion. By continuously breeding through a selective program and outcross breeding, the Bombay cat breed was formed. This black cat breed looked like no other domesticated cat. Today the Burmese cat breed and the Black American Shorthairs can still be bred. This cat breed received CFA Championship status in 1976. This cat breed is recognized by all cat breed associations. The International Cat Association recognized this breed in 1979.

Physical Description

The Bombay has a sturdy and compact body. It is of medium length, and is lithe. The head is rounded, and the muzzle short. The coat is short, flat and black, displaying the Bombay’s muscular form. There is no paling along the black roots of the coat. The eyes are coppery colored or green. The nose, soles and mouth are black.


The Bombay is extremely friendly. This cat breed needs one-on-one time with his cat parents. It is a cat breed that does not do well alone all day. The Bombay enjoys snuggling up on your lap, and can do so for hours. It is not a very independent cat breed. That said, it may develop a Velcro-like attachment to his pet parent.

Younger Bombay kittens are active and playful. Senior Bombay cats tend to enjoy watching, and are much less active. This cat breed is perfect for either apartment or farm living. They are quiet cats that enjoy interactive play. The Bombay enjoys playing with anything that is lying around, and is playful when there is someone to play with. This wonderful cat breed is super soft to cuddle with, and is easy to live with. The Bombay needs plenty of love, fun cat toys, and mental stimulation. This cat breed is not very vocal.

Special Needs

Bombay Cat Play

Bombay kittens should be vaccinated according to a vaccination schedule. This will begin at two months of age. Intestinal parasites are also common in kittens, since the Bombay mother cat may pass down larvae through the placenta or milk. Your veterinarian will treat your kitten with a broad -spectrum wormer. You will also need to consult with your veterinarian as to the safest antiparasitic products for your cat.

You may also be faced with several health problems after adoption. These could be linked to behavioral problems. Consult with your veterinarian for a behavioral history of your senior cat if working through issues. Understanding why your cat is having problems is important, so that your veterinarian can treat them.

Your Bombay cat will need to socialize. If getting a kitten, socialization should commence during kittenhood. Your kitten should be handled before reaching ten weeks of age. Cats that have not had the proper amount of socialization may avoid human contact.

When introducing your new Bombay cat to other pets in the home, it should be done gradually and over the course of a few days. They should be able to smell each other through safety gates, and then held while getting introduced. Allow pets together for short periods of time if they are calm, and gradually increase the amount of time that the pets spend together. Within multi-pet households, patience and calmness is important.

Your Bombay will also need to be spayed or neutered. Your cat needs to be protected from household dangers like cleaning supplies, toxic plants, electrical cords, and aggressive animals. Cats are carnivores, and will need a high-quality diet with plenty of fresh water every day. Exercise can be achieved through a variety of play toys that encourage running and a game of chase. Sedentary cats may be prone to obesity, and health problems later on in life.

Understanding the responsibilities of cat parenting before getting a cat is important. Keeping your Bombay cat indoors as an indoor cat will also keep them safer, and far away from snakes, coyotes, aggressive dogs, and traffic. All cats need plenty of 24-hour TLC!

Possible Health Concerns

The Bombay is a healthy and moderately active cat breed that may be susceptible to the following health conditions:

  • Gingivitis: Regular dental care will reduce plaque development in your Bombay, which can lead to gingivitis and gum disease. With gingivitis, the gums will become inflamed because of plaque. Ligaments and bone are not yet affected. By including daily tooth brushing, dietary changes, using a plaque prevention gel, and oral rinses, you’ll be helping your cat. Consulting with your veterinarian for preventative cleanings every 3 months to save your Bombay’s teeth.
  • Sinus Problems: Viral infections are the most common causes of sinusitis in cats. Allergic sinusitis can occur seasonally or throughout the year. You cat may be exposed to indoor allergens like dusts and mold spores. Cats are prone to chronic nasal and sinus inflammation after severe acute viral infections. There may also be fungal nasal and sinus inflammation. Consult with your veterinarian.
  • Hip Dysplasia: This is rare in domestic cats, and is common in purebred cats. This occurs when the hip joint is loose, and leads to degenerative joint disease. (osteoarthritis) Symptoms include lameness that can be mild to severe. Cats generally need no surgery for hip dysplasia. Weight reduction can help reduce discomfort.


Bombay Cat Lie

Cat parents today are concerned with what their cats are playing with. Opt for natural products with no toxic materials, and toys that encourage interactive play. Cat parents should try encourage bonding and exercise through interactive play. Bright colored toys encourage stimulation and bonding through play. Long wands with colorful feathers encourage pawing and free play between cat parent and cat.

When choosing cat toys for your Bombay cat, opt for toys that allow the entire family to play together. Toys like the Shimmer Glimmer are shimmery and plush, and allow for all cats to have plenty of fun with everyone. The wands allow for change-out-toys to prevent your cat from getting bored.

The Bombay cat breed needs daily exercise combined with plenty of mental stimulation through active play and interaction with people. Cat parents can use cat toys like the Mousr or Cat Dancer to get their cats to play. This will encourage your cat to play. Finding a variety of mentally stimulating cat toys will allow for your cat to lead a well-balanced life, with the right amount of exercise and mental stimulation. Cat harnesses also allow for daily walks.

This cat breed is well-behaved. This cat breed does best with routine and attention. Cat gyms, cat scratchers, and interactive cat toys within a cat friendly home environment work best for this fabulous cat breed. That said, this cat breed is a laid back, and very-easy-to get on with. The Bombay is super smart and can be taught many tricks.

Look out for the latest cat toys like Ripple rug play mats, the Feather Whirls, pet cube toys, food trees, turbo scratcher toys, cat companion interactive toys, and electronic motion toys. All these and many more will keep your cat entertained when you’re out and about.

Poly Rattan weaved cat scratchers make for longer lasting cat scratching posts. They are more durable, and built to last. Hemp toys for cats are irresistible. Some come with colorful feathers and hemp cord allowing for longer playtime with your feline.

Chasing, hunting, and attacking toys are some of the methods that cats will use when playing with interactive toys. When out shopping for cat toys, opt for safe TPA materials that have no toxic BPA or BHT. Multilevel spinning ball cat toys help cats bat and chase play. Ultimately, what feline pet parents need to achieve is bonding through free play and exercise.


The Bombay cat breed will need proper nutrition. That said, a high-quality diet that is appropriate for the specific life stage of the cat is necessary. Dry cat food is a popular choice because it promotes healthier gums and teeth. Wet cat food also has its benefits. By choosing a well-known name-brand cat food that has scientific backing, as well as quality control, cat parents can be assured that they are providing a well-balanced diet.

All cat breeds need high quality fat and protein in their diets. They also need amino acids, including taurine that cannot be found in either human food or dog food. There are also numerous specialty diets for your cat that are formulated specifically for certain medical problems like urinary tract disorder, obesity, or kidney disease.

All cats do well by being fed twice daily. During kittenhood, kittens will need to be fed every few hours. Growing kittens need more calories, nutrients, vitamins, protein, and calories. Your Bombay should be able to enjoy a peaceful meal in a quiet corner of the house. Some cat parents prefer to leave cat kibble out 24/7. Consult with your veterinarian for the best dietary advice for your Bombay.


Elegant bombay cat

Cat pampering is a norm today with feline pet parents wanting the very best for the cats. Your Bombay cat may be susceptible to skin diseases originating from flea bites, mites, yeast infections, and infections. Opt for natural cat grooming products to help resolve these skin irritants.

All cat breeds have highly sensitive skin. By using grooming wipes and waterless shampoos in between bathing schedules, you’ll have a healthier cat.

The Bombay needs daily grooming to remove shedding hair. Because this breed has a short and sleek coat, minimal grooming care is required. Stainless steel combs help to remove dead hair. Care must be taken when grooming leg hair and body hair to avoid missing spots that could have burs from outdoor runs.

The Bombay is a cat breed that is always clean and shiny. Regular brushing will keep the Bombay’s coat sleek and shiny. Healthy nutrition also contributes to good coat health in cats.

Curry brushes help with grooming, and will remove dead hair and debris from your cat’s coat. All cat breeds will groom themselves several times throughout the day. Daily grooming is necessary because it limits the amount of hair that your cat will consume. This helps limit the development of hairballs. Your cat will enjoy being groomed. Coat hair always looks best during the cold winter months. Cats that have been spayed or neutered will have great coats year- round. This is because hormonal changes in cats affects coat length and thickness.

Cat parents can remove mats by using cat clippers which are safer than using scissors. Daily cleaning with pet wipes beneath the tail is necessary. Ears should be checked weekly for cleanliness and sensitivity. If there is a build-up of wax and dirt, organisms can lead to an ear infection.

Consult with your veterinarian about safe and gentle ear cleaning techniques. Nail trimming is necessary every few weeks. Eyes should also be cleaned gently every morning with cotton wool or a soft wipe. Each eye should be cleaned with different wipes or cotton balls to avoid eye infection contamination in both eyes.

Healthy cats need minimal bathing with a gentle cat shampoo. Your cat will need dental care as well. By feeding dry food, and having professional dental cleanings with your veterinarian throughout your cat’s lifetime, your cat will have less of a chance of developing gingivitis or gum disease.

Small and frequent effective hygiene habits will make a big difference in maintaining healthy skin, healthy teeth, and good overall health. Look for environmentally safe pet products that have natural ingredients.

There are so many wonderful feline products like the warming cat mat that makes grooming comfortable for your cats. It is designed to help aching joints, and increase blood circulation. Rosemary feline shampoo bars have essential oils that also help to improve circulation, all the while moisturizing hair and skin, and preventing hair loss in your cat.

Adopting a Bombay

Apart from being a hassle-free grooming breed, the Bombay is terrific as a house cat. This is a very playful cat breed that is active and makes for a wonderful companion. This breed loves to purr, and is very intelligent. With their easygoing personality, the Bombay is always willing to try out new cat toys, go for a walk, and even entertain himself.

Protect your Bombay from household hazards, most especially electrical cables, poisonous plants, medication, and open windows. This cat breed makes for a wonderful adoption! As usual, make sure that children are always gentle and quiet around cats. Give your cat time to adjust to his new surroundings. As with any cat adoption, make sure that you have the time and resources to take good care of your Bombay!

Frequently Asked Questions

Beautiful black cat portrait with yellow eyes and attentive look

Are Bombay Cats high maintenance?

No. The grooming needs of a Bombay cat are minimal. This cat breed does not shed much. But you’ll still need to groom regularly to keep your cat’s coat healthy.

Is the Bombay Cat friendly?

Yes. The Bombay cat enjoys being around family and likes climbing up on your lap. Young Bombay cats will be more active and more curious. They will need more exercise and playtime every time every day. High-quality cat trees make for good playtime hideouts for the Bombay cat.

Are Bombay Cats talkative?

Yes. The Bombay cat is very communicative and will let you know if you’re a few minutes late with dinner. This breed is brilliant and sensitive. This breed is more vocal than other cat breeds and expresses their feelings to their pet parents.

Is a Bombay cat rare?

The Bombay cat looks like a black panther. Yes. This cat breed is a rare cat breed.

How much is a Bombay cat worth?

The Bombay cat breed can range from $700 to as much as $1500 or more depending on the cat’s pedigree, age, and the breeder that you purchase him from. If you want to show a Bombay cat, you may spend a few thousand dollars.

Are Bombay cats hypoallergenic?

No, the Bombay cat breed is not hypoallergenic. Because this breed is a low shedder, they may cause an allergic reaction in someone allergic to cat hair and dander. That said, the Bombay cat breed may be a good match for someone with mild allergies. The Bombay cat needs to be brushed with a cat grooming brush once or twice weekly to keep the coat shiny and healthy.

What is the lifespan of a Bombay cat?

The Bombay cat breed can live as long as 18 years. The general lifespan is between 12 to 18 years if you take good care of your cat.

What health problems do Bombay cats have?

The Bombay cat may be prone to bacterial or viral infections. These may include panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, and rabies.

What is the average height of a Bombay cat?

8 to 10 inches

What is the average weight of a Bombay cat?

8 to 12 pounds

How can I take good care of my Bombay Cat?

It would help if you always had pet insurance for your cat so that you are covered in case of a severe injury or illness. Your Bombay cat should get all his vaccinations during kittenhood and should visit a veterinarian a few times a year.

Bombay Breeders in the USA

Gray Mark Bombay Cattery (California)

San Francisco Bay Area, CA
(408) 5690864

Mocha Blast Burmese and Bombay (California)

Chico, CA
(530) 3451151

Caricature Cattery (Connecticut)

(203) 7751590

Pandora Bombay Cattery (Kentucky)

(606) 8319284

Bijoux (Maryland)

Edgewood, MD
(410) 9379262

The Darkside (Virginia)

Reston, VA
(703) 3285743

Evita (Arizona)

Phoenix, AZ
(612) 4239170

Carney Bombay (Iowa)

Kalona, IA
(319) 4008191

Catvocal (Pennsylvania)

Lake Ariel, PA
(860) 2126116

Dreamabout Cattery (West Virginia)

Shady Spring, WV
(304) 2223333

Bombay Breeders in Canada

Eclypse Bombay Cattery


The Patrician Cattery

British Columbia
(604) 6447772

Seasedge Burmese & Bombays

Halifax, NS
(902) 2377225


  • Denise Mitchell Reply

    We recently had to have our Bombay Gypsy put to sleep due to Kidney disease, she was only 9 years old, we loved her so much and miss her terribly. I found your information about Bombay’s very interesting and so much like Gypsy and many ways. Could you please explain the difference between a Bombay and Mandalay cat as we are hoping to adopt another kitten, life is so empty without our Gypsy. Thank you.

    • Sarah Robert Reply

      The Bombay and Mandalay are both extremely friendly and alert cat breeds. They are also affectionate towards pet parents and family members, yet apprehensive of strangers. The golden –eyed Mandalay was originally known as the Australian Bombay, but by June 2013 was “renamed.” This breed is lithe and athletic.

      The Bombay enjoys hanging out on your lap, yet as these cats mature, they tend to become more placid and less active, though daily playtime is still a huge must. They also shed less than most cat breeds, and almost sway when walking.

      That said, the Mandalay originally is a New Zealand cat breed with Burmese characteristics regarding eye shape, musculature, and shape. The glossy-coated Mandalay thrives on affection and dislikes spending time alone for too long a period.

      This breed is interesting, active, and sweet natured. Being a shorthaired cat breed, they’re easy to groom, and have the same breed standard as the Burmese. Both breeds are awesome, and have wonderful temperaments.

      Like all cat breeds, cats are susceptible to numerous health conditions and diseases, and it’s up to pet parents to maintain a regular veterinary schedule, so that drugs, treatments, and the correct diagnosis is made ahead of time prior to cats becoming very ill.

      Your veterinarian can advise as to which vaccines your cat will need together with parasite control. If you’re requiring help for a behavioral feline issue, opt for a behavioral consult. Numerous behavioral problems in cats like aggression, fear, litter-box aversion and more can stem from medical conditions.

  • Jere Keener Reply

    We have a 6 month old Bombay. His mommy abandoned him day one and we raised him by bottle and eye dropper. He is as ornery as the day is long but just as precious. We were not cat people but Taz has stolen our hearts. Loudest motor ever. 5 star kitty kitty!!!

  • Brenda & John Reply

    Thanks for ALL of the valuable information on our Bombay kitty!! After helping our a local pet rescue (CALICO/Cat Alliance Located in Central Ohio & partners with HHES/His Hands Extended Santuary) as they’d been notified of a kitten (2 mo’s old?) crossing 5+ lanes of traffic from a busy McDonald’s back and forth to a residential area we lived in. Very young, scared, hungry… abandoned/lost? We caught her! A gorgeous Bombay Kitty and she now (since then) have a very loving, furever home!! Thanks again for all the knowledge and valuable info!! Brenda & John

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