Can Dogs Eat Oranges? Health Benefits And Tips

Corgi see on oranges

Vitamin C is an organic compound that features antioxidant properties and is found in many fruits, including the orange. As pet parents, we’ll understand vitamin C’s ability to fight colds and flu, but what can vitamin C offer dogs?

Oranges also have fiber and potassium and are low in sodium. If fed in small amounts, as in a segment or two daily, oranges can benefit your dog’s immune system.

In this blog, we’re going to discuss the benefits of oranges for dogs and how this fruit can offer additional protection to your furry best friend.

According to The American Kennel Club (AKC), oranges are not toxic to dogs, but you’ll need to keep a few things in mind. Oranges have a moderate sugar content level and may cause gastrointestinal upsets in your dog if he eats too many orange segments.

The AKC recommends that you start slowly and see if there are any stomach issues. They also recommend removing the peel and seeds before feeding. If your furry best friend shows no adverse reactions, then you should limit his orange and treat intake to no more than 10% of his daily calories.

Orange peel may become lodged in your dog’s digestive tract, so you should avoid feeding the peel. Some dogs may also not enjoy the tart taste of an orange.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges? 4 Health Benefits

Puppy with orange

PetMD adds that dogs that suffer from diabetes or that are obese should not be fed oranges. Although the natural sugar in oranges is not bad, it can affect dogs’ blood sugar levels suffering from diabetes and lead to extra calories in overweight dogs.

According to PetMD, dogs can also eat tangerines, nectarines, clementines, and Satsuma oranges, but the peel needs to be removed because it’s difficult to digest and can cause intestinal obstruction.

Oranges offer these four health benefits for your dog.

  • Vitamin C: Helps your dog boost her immunity, fight cancer, and can provide protection from diseases like kennel cough, abscesses, or respiratory and bacterial infections.
  • Potassium: Helps your dog’s organs usually work. This means that potassium is good for her heart, kidney, and liver.
  • Fiber: Helps your dog digest her food, keep her stools firm, prevent constipation and hold back the growth of harmful bacteria in her intestines.
  • Low Sodium: Oranges are low in sodium, making them an excellent healthy choice for your dog’s diet. Sodium can raise your dog’s blood pressure and be harmful to dogs with liver and kidney disease.

3 Health Hazards of Oranges for Dogs

You still need to watch out for these three hazards to protect your dog’s health.

  • Sugar: Oranges, clementines, and tangerines are not toxic to your dog; however, they contain sugar which can be dangerous for obese or diabetic dogs.
  • Calories: Fruit like oranges are high in calories. This means you may not want to give oranges to your overweight or obese dog.
  • Rind: Orange rind can be hard for your dog to digest and could result in gastrointestinal upsets. You should remove the peel from any orange slices you feed your dog.

Helpful Tips to Give Fruit to Your Dog

Dog drink juice

Use these tips to be safe if you choose to feed your dog a slice of orange as a treat.

  • Ask your veterinarian before you add any treats to your dog’s diet, including fruit.
  • Add small portions of fruits like oranges to ensure your dog doesn’t have an adverse reaction or upset stomach.
  • Limit the amount of fruit you feed your dog because of the extra calories. You can give your dog 1 or 2 orange segments daily.
  • Clean any piece of fruit thoroughly before you feed it to your dog.
  • Mash fruit like oranges into your dog’s food or use 100% fruit juice without added sugars.
  • Remove seeds or pits in any fruit you feed to your dog.

Final Thoughts

While the citrus is not toxic to dogs and dogs can eat oranges, it’s best to serve small peeled segments as a treat. If your dog does lots of dog sports or is super, active oranges can improve his well-being. Oranges are also fiber-rich, so you should not feed your dog too many segments. Finally, because oranges have lots of natural sugar, dogs with diabetes should refrain from eating them. All-in-all dogs should not consume too much of any fruit to avoid gastrointestinal issues. Small dog breeds are safe with a third of an orange in one sitting, and larger breeds do well with a few more segments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Small and Large Dogs Eat Oranges?

Your dog’s size and weight may affect how he digests oranges, with larger dog breeds being able to digest more oranges than smaller dog breeds. A Belgian Malinois or Great Dane will usually be fine with two or three segments of an orange, while a small Toy breed would be prone to gastrointestinal issues if fed the same amount. As usual, always consult with your vet if you have questions about what to feed your dog.

Can I Feed My Puppy Oranges?

Yes, puppies can consume oranges, but you’ll need to feed a tiny segment of an orange to a puppy because they may be more prone to gastrointestinal issues than adult dogs. Orange seeds and the peel should be removed before feeding a tiny orange segment to your puppy.

Can I Give My Dog Orange Juice?

You should always consult with your veterinarian before trying out something new. Orange juice is non-toxic, yet it may have additives and other ingredients that may not be good for your dog. Orange juice also has a high sugar level.

Which Fruits Should Dogs Not Eat?

Dogs should not eat grapes, cherries, or raisins. These are toxic to dogs and may result in kidney damage. Grapefruit, limes, and lemons are also fruits that dogs should not consume.

Why Should Dogs Not Consume the Peel or White Film of the Orange Flesh?

It’s necessary to remove the white film from the orange segment and the peel and seeds of the orange before feeding since these may contain toxic compounds.

How Much Orange Can I First Give to My Dog?

Most dogs generally don’t enjoy the citrusy taste of an orange. It would be best if you began with a segment. Citrus fruits contain lots of acids and may cause diarrhea or vomiting. If there are no side effects after the first day, then you can continue feeding small segments as a treat.

Does Vitamin C Help Dogs Too?

Yes, Vitamin C has plenty of benefits for pets, too, and may help boost immune health. Keep in mind that dogs make up vitamin C naturally in their bodies, so they don’t need additional Vitamin C.

How Should I Feed an Orange to My Dog?

The skin yields the most acidic part of the orange, so dogs should never consume this. Dogs should only eat a segment or two of a peeled orange without the pips.

When Should I Not Feed My Dog Oranges?

Dogs should not eat oranges if they have diabetes or are overweight. Some dogs may not do well after consuming even a small segment of orange and may have gastrointestinal discomfort or in appetence. If you notice this, stop feeding oranges to your dog.

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