How to Clicker Train Your Dog?

Clicker Training

Clicker training for dogs is an important part of positive dog training that everyone can participate in. It’s an easy way to train cats to learn a new behavior. Like humans, pets will repeat behaviors if they’re rewarded. You don’t have to be an expert pet trainer to teach your pet new behaviors with the clicker method. Best of all, this method can be learned quickly, and is enjoyed by millions of pets throughout the world today.

The clicker can be referred to as the reward marker. When your furry best friend sits, you click. By pairing the sharp sound of the clicker with a reward such as a healthy treat, you immediately create one of the most powerful training tools that you can use to immediately signal to your dog the instant that he does something good.

Clicker Training Your Dog, so how to Clicker Train Your Dog?

Train dog with clicker and food

Clicker training allows for your cat to associate a specific behavior with the sound that the clicker makes. This is similar to Pavlov’s metronome association method. Although the clicker is a small plastic gadget with a metal tongue that presents with a “click” when used, it by far succeeds any other training method. As a pet parent, you click the behavior that you like-the “correct behavior” and ignore the behavior that you don’t want. You can even use clicker training to show your dog how to do tricks.

Clicker training can be used with treats. You can click it, and then reward your dog with a treat within half a second. If you repeat this for two minutes, click, treat, click, treat, and so forth, your dog will soon associate the click with food. When training to stay, for example, when your dog stays, you click. When he sits, you click. He now knows that he has been rewarded for sitting, even if you’ve not given him his favorite dog treat yet. The clicker does the following:

  • Allows for valuable, precise information from pet parent to pooch
  • Teaches dogs to think and control the outcome without the use of force
  • Dogs get to work for the click
  • Eliminates mixed signals to your dog and delivers a clear message without confusing your dog
  • Makes for easy positive dog training methods to train for specific behaviors
  • Allows for no-blame training and positive outcomes for both pet parent and pooch
  • Provides mental stimulation
  • Can be used to curtail aggression, biting, attention-getting behavior and excessive barking or digging.
  • The clicker marks the exact second that your dog performs the required behavior.
  • Timing of the click is so important for clicker training to be effective, with each click necessitating a reward for the performed behavior.
  • The click sound tells your dog exactly what behavior he’s being rewarded for.
  • Marker words like “yes” can be used in conjunction with the click. Dogs that have hearing issues can learn via a tap on the shoulder and reward.

The 4 Best Dog Training Clickers of 2020

PetSafe Clik-R Trainer

PetSafe Clik-R Trainer
9.8 - ratingAverage price

The PetSafe Clik-R Trainer comes with a positive dog raining guide to help make clicker training a breeze. PetSafe is a reputable dog brand that manufactures durable and high-quality pet products from dog doors, feeders, fountains and clickers. Customer care is available 6 days a week if you have questions even about dog training. PetSafe adds “Training with the clicker sound as a marker and following the sound with a treat reward is very effective. It’s easy, the dogs and their owners both like the method and the learning success rate is high. Use clicker training for basic obedience commands to tricks and agility activities.” What we like about this product is that it comes with a free introductory clicker training guide.

Key feature

  • Ergonomic design
  • Comfort finger band
  • Affordable
  • Durable and sturdy
  • Sold with a free training guide


  • Rounded shape
  • Finger strap offering a secure fit and allowing hand to move freely when training
  • Purple and green color allows for good visibility
  • Softer clicking sound which makes it good for indoor training


  • Softer click
  • Click may not be reliable

Good2Go Soft Dog Training Clicker

Good2Go Soft Dog Training Clicker
9.5 - ratingAverage price

Perfect for the noise sensitive dog that may react fearfully to loud clicks, the Good2Go Soft Dog Training Clicker features a finger strap for optimal use and comfort. As a powerful dog training tool, this clicker works well for basic obedience training. The comfortable finger strap allows for optimal focus on your dog while training.


  • Softer click for noise and sound sensitive dogs
  • Effective for basic obedience training
  • Bigger button for easy clicking
  • Finger strap for optimal grip


  • Not many color options
  • Click may not be loud enough

StarMark Pro-Training Clicker for Dogs

StarMark Pro-Training Clicker for Dogs
9.1 - ratingAverage price

This clicker is comfortable to use, and has been tested for safety and health purposes. Made from vinyl and rubber, this clicker is rust proof and has a key chain or lanyard option for safe guarding. This product also offers a free clicker training guide to show first time pet parents how to clicker train effectively and in the right way. This clicker has a roundish shape for optimal hand snugness, and fits well between thumb and forefinger when clicker training. Offered in vibrant blue and orange, the Starmark clickers also features vinyl and rubber for comfort.


  • Comfortable, affordable, and ergonomically designed
  • Features bright colors for visibility
  • Raised button for easy use


  • No wristband
  • May not be as durable with time

HOAoOO Pet Training Clicker with Wrist Strap

HOAoOO Pet Training Clicker with Wrist Strap
8.9 - ratingLow price

This clicker features a large yellow button for easy clicking. It’s ergonomically shaped, and functions well in outdoor weather. The HOAoOO pet training clicker is available in two colors and is easy to use. It also features a wristband with lanyard or keychain clip.


  • Metal clicker that is constructed well, and that does not rust when working outdoors in the rain
  • Features two colors
  • Offers a loud clicking sound
  • High-quality product that is durable and sturdy


  • Yellow button may be difficult to push down
  • Wrist strap may be flimsy after a few months of use

Training New Behaviors

Pet parents with multiple issues often may believe that they do not have the skills or time to modify them. Yet, in some cases, particularly with major aggression issues or serious phobic disorders, training new behaviors with an actual clicker works very well. Other sounds can be used such as finger snaps, whistles, mouth clicks, or even a verbal “Click!” but the clicker sounds works well because it is so distinctive and very consistent. Many trainers recommend changing to the verbal marker after the behavior has been learned.

When Fido offers you the complete and perfected behavior that you are trying to train, all on his own, that behavior is captured. This is the simplest and easiest way to train simple behaviors in your furry friends. For example, the sit can be captured, clicked, and rewarded because it is a behavior that is offered frequently by your dog. Think about it this way. If a dog never offers you the behavior that you want, capturing could take forever.

Shaping is used to train much more complex behaviors in your dogs. In order to help your dog learn a complex behavior, the trainer breaks it down into small steps, then clicks and rewards each step often until the dog understands and learns the entire behavior. If you want to teach your dog to spin in a circle to the left, you would start by capturing a slight turn of the head to the left with a click and a yummy treat. Then when the dog begins to regularly offer left-head turns, you would then only click and treat the stronger behavior.

Using Repetitions with The Clicker For Positive Dog Training

Positive Dog Training

With any series of repetitions, many of the learned behaviors will be stronger, some will be weaker, and some will be average. Once you begin to click and treat only the average and stronger turns, all the average behaviors will begin to progress towards the stronger end of the scale. Then it becomes only necessary to click and reward when Fido’s body starts to follow the head or when he actually takes a step. This with time will shape into an entire circle to the left.

Positive training with the clicker does not mean permissive, and discipline in the form of time outs or ignoring bad behavior is used to guide your dog into making the right choices. Negative behaviors are not suppressed through fear or force. Dogs who are trained this way are not only more tolerant and wonderfully self-controlled, they behave much more predictably.

Positive training methods with clicker use focuses on working Fido’s brain in a non-confrontational way. It rewards positive behavior and establishes rituals and predictability.

No Force Clicker Positive Dog Training

No Force Clicker

Clicker training negates bad behavior, and lessens Fido’s anger and frustration because this method of dog training is enforced without force. Your dog’s trust is not violated in ways that it could be when harsher training methods are used. Unfortunately trainers who use the outdated pack-leader and dominance theory are still using these outdated methods.

But what happens if your dog is afraid of the clicker? Many trainers will then opt for a different reward marker, perhaps a softer clicker, or a verbal marker. Some will even desensitize anxious dogs to the clicker sound by wrapping it in a soft cloth.

Imitation takes place when your dog watches another dog perform the required behavior, and then is able to perform that same behavior on his own. Social imitation is when a dog watches another dog doing something and then joins in. So if you have a dog that is already trained and you’re attempting to train your new puppy, social facilitation will work well for you.


Luring is done by using a piece of food as a lure. If you want to lure a down position, hold the treat in front of your dog’s nose, then slowly lower it towards the ground. Fido then follows the treat and does exactly what you want him to do. He ends up lying down.


Modeling is actually helping your dog or physically assisting him into a position. Nonetheless, this is the least desirable and least effective way of the mentioned five training methods. This is because your dog may become dependent on your touch to make a certain behavior happen.

The goal of clicker training is to get Fido to succeed so that you can reward him. It is not to challenge him into making mistakes. He needs to feel self-confident and to trust you. If he makes a couple of mistakes, keep in mind that perhaps you have moved forward too fast in your clicker training. So slow down, and help him to succeed.

Whether you’ve just adopted or purchased your new furry best friend, or are planning to get one, positive dog training via clicker training ensures positive reinforcement. This method results in a confident dog that enjoys dog training classes.

A well-adjusted dog is fun to live with, and is always under control. That said, make sure to only work with a certified positive dog trainer that has been recommended by friends and family. As usual, always have all the dog training equipment needed, including healthy treats to train your furry best friend!

How to Choose the Best Dog Clicker in 2020?

Clicker in hand

If you’re training your new puppy or rescue dog, you’ll need to consider numerous things before purchasing a new dog clicker. Our best dog clicker reviews consider the best materials, safety aspects, product design, and cost. Wrist bands, training guides and all the other extras also come into consideration when opting for our top pick.

Clicker whistle combos with retractable training sticks, durability, and rust proof materials with smooth curves allowing for no chafing training also make good options. With so many options available, there’s no better time to go shopping for your furry best friend.

Peruse though our top notch reviews, and don’t stress. Purchasing numerous dog clickers also allows for you to find the one that best works for you! With each product, there’s a short product description and explanation to help you understand the perks of each dog training clicker.

Types of Dog Training Clickers

We all want to purchase a long lasting, safe and high-quality product that is effective in rain or bad weather. Understanding what to look out for when purchasing a high-quality dog or puppy clicker allows for you to purchase a high-value item that will last. Clickers are mechanical boxes that emit an audible “click” when pressed.

That said, there are numerous differences in all the devices. You’ll need to see which options work best for you when training your dog. Ask yourself a few questions? Will you be needing this for plenty of outdoor training during or do you clicker train indoors? Do you prefer a quieter “click”? Are you arthritic? Would it be easier to click with the palm of your hand?

Despite all the clicker differences in devices, choosing the best dog clicker for you and your dog means many different things to each dog parent. We’re here to help you make a choice. In addition, we’ve read through all Amazon reviews to find out more about all the devices, and to share both positive and negative feedback from consumers about each product.

Types of Dog Training Clickers

Ultimately, it comes down to what works for you which means many different things in the context of clicker training. Handheld dog training clickers may also come with a wrist strap for added convenience. It’s also good to keep in mind that some dogs prefer softer clicks, while others may enjoy the louder click. Clickers have a high level of precision and allows for easy dog training that the entire family can enjoy!

  • Box Clicker

    Louder than regular clickers, these metal clickers work well outdoors for long distance dog training. Easy- to hold, with some of these brands yielding a larger thumb area for easy clicking making it comfortable to hold.

  • Standard Clicker

    As a standard plastic clicker with the standard medium clicker sound, these work well for indoor and outdoor, short distance training. There are no frills attached to this device, with no volume adjustment features or additional features.

  • Soft Clicker

    These clickers have a softer clicking sound making them perfect for nervous dogs.

  • Ring Clicker

    These can be worked around the finger for easy carrying when working with multiple dogs, making each clicker training session fun and easy. You’ll be able to carry treats easily, and handle dogs, all the while not worrying about dropping the clicker.

  • Adjustable-Tone Clicker

    With these you can control the volume of the click to suit your dog’s needs. This works well if you want to clicker train indoors or outside when working with long distance training.

Why Are Clicker Sounds Important?

Corgi training with clicker

As you would expect, all dogs react differently to sounds. Some dogs may prefer the louder clicker sounds, while timid dogs may become frightened. Because you want to find the perfect clicker for you and your dog, you’ll need to explore whether he responds to the louder or softer clicker sound.

Purchasing a few different dog clicker brands allows for you to try them all and to see which one is the best for you and your furry best friend. Since these devices are very affordable, this is easy to do. In this review, we’ll show you which ones to purchase so that clicker training your puppy or adult dog will be a breeze.

How to Choose the Best Dog Training Clicker?

While pet parents are generally aware that clicker training is a positive experience for dogs that is recommended by most dog experts, many found that it was difficult to choose which dog training clicker for their dog.

While a clicker is used to give our dogs precise instructions, the clicker sound that is emitted is an important consideration. When used correctly with a reward, the clicker is used to tell our furry best friends that are in training that something is done correctly at exactly the right moment that they’re doing the behavior, and instantly rewarding them.

As we all know, Karen Pryor was the first trainer to use clicker training with dolphins, and then moving on to pets. That said, understanding a bit more about clickers, how they vary, and knowing how best to choose the right one for your furry best friend is important.

We’re going to explain important device features that are available for dog training clickers, so as best to help you make the right choice when choosing the best dog training clicker for your dog.

How to Choose the Best Training Clicker for Your Dog?

Positive Dog Training with clicker

With clicker training being one of the most popular and easiest methods of positive dog training, teaching your puppy or adult dog to associate the clicker with something positive is done by making the clicking sound repeatedly and rewarding with treats. As usual, it’s best to work with a reputable dog trainer at first, to learn more about clicker training, and also to know which clickers are best for you and your furry best friend.

How to Choose the Best Training Clicker for Your Dog?

  • Ease-of-Use

    Clickers have to be easy- to- use. It’s got to be a no-brainer! A simple press of the button to emit the click! The right intensity of the click that is emitted by pushing and releasing the springy metal of the clicker is very important.

    Before introducing your dog to the clicker, you’ll need to be comfortable using one. By pushing and releasing the button, you’ll produce a two-toned click. You’ll find that it’s much easier to train or teach your dog new tricks if the clicker allows for a hands-free approach and comes with added features.

  • Durability

    Clickers need to be durable and sturdy. You don’t want them to break after using them a few times. If you’re planning on clicker training a few dogs, plan on purchasing a few of these so that you always have multiple on hand in case you lose or break one. Over time, clickers may lose their sound intensity as well. So be prepared!

    While there are certainly more expensive options that will be more durable, there are also numerous brands that offer multiple clickers together with varied colors and features. Because outdoor training can take place in rain, snow, or harsh weather, it’s best to do some research on clicker brands before purchasing. Pet parents found metal box clickers to be the most durable choice.

  • Wrist Strap

    Finger loops and wrist bands allow for an easier time when clicker training. With a wrist band, you don’t get to misplace your clicker or accidentally step on them when out and about having fun with Fido. You may be surprised to learn that wrist bands come as a standard feature for many clicker brands. Some will have keychain clips or lanyards too!

  • What Material is the Clicker Made from?

    You don’t want your clicker to get crushed easily or to fall apart with pressure. There are numerous clicker styles, with some of them more comfortable and easier to hold. Square- shaped plastic clickers could hurt palms with their corners during longer training sessions. Soft rubber and vinyl clickers can be just as sturdy and durable as metal ones, and tend to feel more comfortable in your hands. Opt for materials that don’t promote rust when they get wet or are left outdoors.

  • Design

    While most clickers have a similar design, there are a few brands that come in different colors and shapes making positive training much more fun. Clickers need to be compact and small, so that they’re carried around easily in one’s pocket or treat bag.

    Before deciding on which option you want, explore the buttons, sound variations, style variations like the ring style that can be looped around the finger while training. Rounded designs allows for easier handling.

    Metallic box clickers usually emit a loud sound, but the square edges could hurt palms. Bulkiness may make it difficult to push down on the button when training. That said, choosing a design that works for you and that features accessories like keychain attachments, elastic wrist wraps and more, make clicker training easier.

  • Portability

    Portability is key here when choosing a dog training clicker! These work well when they fit into your pocket or your dog treat bag. Clickers should not be bulky because they are carried around with you during training.

    Target-sticks with clicker is also ideal for agility and dog sport training. These have a different design, but are just as portable, though may not be as practical for long periods of training or dog walks.

  • How Much Sound does the Clicker Produce?

    Clickers produce different sounds. When you first start clicker training, you’ll be teaching your dog how to associate the clicker sound with treats. Clear and loud clickers are ideal for beginners during training. That said, shy and timid dogs may not respond as well to crisp, loud clicker sounds that some clickers emit.

    Opt for lower sounds when working with shy or anxious dogs. Dogs that are noise sensitive should also be considered when choosing a clicker. Clickers with multiple volume levels are a good choice when working with multiple dogs. You can then adjust to soft, normal or a loud setting depending on your dog’s reaction to the clicker sound.

  • What Accessories Are Included?

    We love these! Accessories make life so much easier when training with clickers. Opt for wrist bands, ring bands, anything that can help while you clicker train. Elastic straps as bracelet bands allow for an easy and comfortable fit, and prevent you from losing your clicker or accidentally walking on it.

    It’s so easy to lay down the clicker and to forget about it. Keychain attachments are great, as are ring styled clickers that allow for multi-tasking when clicker training, especially when working with energetic puppies.

  • Does It Come with a Warranty?

    Who doesn’t want a warranty? Yet, because these devices are so affordable, it may not be a necessity. Purchase a few different styles to see which one works best. Keep in mind that successful clicker training means plenty of consistency, rewards, petting, play, and even toys together with a timed click. Reinforcers are necessary, and so is a positively trained furry best friend. A well-trained puppy or dog is easy-to-have at home, to take out to the dog park, and to have plenty of fun with. Additionally, consistency is key to a well-trained dog which means that dog clicker training should continue throughout a dog’s life. Happy Clicker Training!

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