Maine Coon

The very large Maine Coon cat breed originated in Maine, after having arrived in Viking ships to the U.S during the nineteenth century. This cat breed was a breed that some believe to have originated from Marie Antoinette’s longhaired cats.

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The Ocicat does best as an indoor cat, but many have done well out in farms as well. This cat breed may be prone to certain illnesses, so it’s best to always keep a close eye on this fabulous cat breed. This cat breed is intelligent, and does well with apartment living or home living.

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Bombay Cat Breed Profile

The Bombay cat breed was bred by a Louisville, Kentucky cat breeder, Nicky Horner. She wanted a short-haired, black-eyed, mini panther like cat breed. She was inspired by the black leopard of India.

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How to Safely Walk Your Cat on a Leash with Clicker Training Tips?

A cat harness and leash allows you to go on long walks with your furry best friend, and to keep your cat safe. Pet parents often wonder if they should keep their cats indoors, or allow them to wander outside. That said, cat parents can have the best of both worlds by taking their cats for walks, and keeping them safe with the use of a cat harness and cat leash.

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