
The Laperm originated in Oregon. This curly-haired cat breed came about in the 1980’s with breeder’s Richard ad Linda Koehl. This is a rex breed that started off in the U.S, and is popular worldwide today.

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Scottish Fold Cat Breed Profile

The Scottish Fold is a domestic cat that originated from Scotland. This cat breed has a natural gene mutation which causes its ears to fold back. The very first Scottish Fold cat was a barn cat called Susie from Scotland, in 1961.

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Caring For An Older Cat

Unfortunately, as cats get older, the aging process depletes the body’s antioxidants. With that, it’s important to examine a senior cat’s diet, and see whether it’s for the correct life stage. Geriatric cats may also be prone to certain illnesses and cancers. Routine health care is needed for all cats, but more so for older cats. This will include vaccinations, parasite control, and dental care; balanced nutrition, gentle grooming with the right grooming tools, and protection from larger pets, small children, and predatory animals. Here are some tips on how to take care of your older cat.

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Persian Longhair – Iranian cat

The Persian Longhair cat breed is one of the oldest cat breeds. This breed originated in Persia, Iran, as it is known today. During the seventeenth century, nobility enjoyed the Persian cat breed. Pietro Del Val imported the first Persian cat to Europe in 1626.

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Russian Blue – Archangel Blue

The Russian Blue has short hair that is plush. The eyes are a blue-gray or emerald-green. The coat is double- layered and has both short, thick fur, and a blue-grey coat with silver tips.

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Nebelung Cat Breed Profile

The Nebelung cat breed originated from Russia. This cat breed is the long haired version of the Russian Blue. Nebelung is a German name which means “creature of the mist.” This cat breed has a sliver-blue coat.

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Norwegian Forest Cat – Wegie

The Norwegian Forest originated from Norway. This magnificent cat breed is known as the Norsk Skogkatt. It is almost lynx-like, and up until 1938 was a domestic longhaired stray cat in Norway. It looks like the Maine Coon. The Norwegian Forest cat breed has the most fabulous coat, and makes for a wonderful companion.

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How to Put a Fat Cat on a Safe Diet?

Understanding the importance of a healthy diet combined with regular veterinary care and exercise may ensure that your furry best friend lives a long and healthy life. Here are some tips on how to put a fat cat on a diet safely.

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The Chartreux is a rare cat breed from France. It is a domestic cat breed that was first discussed in a poem in 1558. This cat breed was a ratter in shops, homes, and on farms.

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American Bobtail

The American Bobtail’s stubby tail is the result of a genetic mutation. It is thought that the unusual tail is linked to the Manx gene. This breed originated when Brenda and John Sanders became the proud cat parents to a short-tailed kitten in Arizona.

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Chinese Li Hua – Dragon Li

The Dragon Li has a muscular build. The chest is broad, the legs, long ad powerful. The head is wide, and diamond-shaped. This is a medium-sized cat that is athletic and stocky. The almond-shaped eyes can be green, yellow or brown.

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The Burmilla is an accidental cat breed comes from the U.K, and originated in 1981. Breeders bred the Chinchilla Persian cat breed with the Burmese cat breed. This is one of the newest cat breeds to join the CFA cat breed, yet this cat breed has been around for the past thirty years.

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