Garlic and Dogs: Warnings and Benefits for Your Dog

Dog Cook Garlic

Garlic has long been considered a healthy herb for people. But is it safe for dogs? Today we know that garlic offers excellent anti-parasitic, antiseptic, and anti-carcinogenic properties to both man and his furry best friend.

Garlic does not contain the same amount of thiosulphate concentration as onions do. Thiosulphate is barely traceable in garlic. It’s also quickly excreted. It’s important to note that onions have around 15 times the ability to damage red blood cells and cause Heinz’s body hemolytic anemia.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) adds that

“Studies have found it takes approximately 15 to 30 grams of garlic per kilograms of body weight to produce harmful changes in a dog’s blood. To put that into perspective, the average clove of supermarket garlic weighs between 3 and 7 grams, so your dog would have to eat a lot to get really sick. However, some dogs are more sensitive to garlic toxicity than others, and consumption of a toxic dose spread out over a few days could also cause problems.”

Garlic and dogs don’t seem to mix well because of a toxic compound called thiosulphate which can damage your dog’s red blood cells and cause symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, or an elevated heart rate if your dog eats large quantities… however, the dangers of garlic for your dog may not be as critical if you consult with your vet and monitor how much garlic your dog eats.

This blog gives you the best-known benefits of garlic for your pup as well as the risks so you can choose the best health options for your dog.

5 Warnings about Garlic and Dogs

As you may already know, garlic is part of the onion family and has compounds that can damage red blood cells if your dog consumes a lot of this herb. Your dog would need to eat 25 or more cloves of garlic at one time to be in immediate danger. Thiosulphate in garlic can lead to hemolytic anemia and liver damage.

As with all supplements, before using garlic, consult with your veterinarian. Powdered garlic is very weak, so they hardly perform. Garlic features the following:

  • Alliien (a sulfoxide) and alliinase (an enzyme).
  • Chopped or crushed garlic, the alliinase enzyme is activated and combined with the alliin protein to produce allicin. (therapeutic compound)
  • Cooked garlic should be cooked within ten minutes after being chopped up.
  • Garlic may interfere with conventional pet meds like blood thinners.
  • Raw fresh garlic yields high insoluble fiber and certain sulfur compounds and should not be used in dogs with oral ulceration, esophageal obstructions, IBS, colitis, or reflux.
  • Garlic contains large amounts of inulin, amino acids, sulfur, zinc, potassium, and phosphorus. It also offers vitamin A, C, calcium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, germanium, and B-complex vitamins.
  • Garlic helps as a liver enhancer because it breaks down wastes before they enter the bloodstream.
  • Garlic stimulates the lymphatic system in dogs to remove wastes.
  • It may be beneficial in preventing the formation of tumors.
  • Garlic help decreases cholesterol build-up and also may be beneficial in widening blood vessels. (vasodilator)

Here are five additional warnings about Garlic:

  1. Don’t give garlic to dogs with anemia. If your dog has already been diagnosed as anemic, garlic is highly dangerous and should be kept out of his diet and out of reach. Symptoms include weakness, lethargy, and pale mucous membranes.
  2. Dogs going into surgery should be kept away from garlic because of the possible damage to red blood cells or hemolytic anemia. The subject of garlic and dogs may raise concerns about toxic reactions, so it’s always best to stay safe, especially if your dog has health issues.
  3. Puppies under eight weeks old should be kept away from garlic. Be sure to put garlic in a safe place in your kitchen and out of the reach of your puppy.
  4. Dogs with lupus or autoimmune disorders should be kept away from garlic.
  5. Akita & Shiba Inu breeds have a high sensitivity to garlic.

10 Benefits of Garlic for Dogs as Herbal Remedies

Corgi Cook Garlic And Mushrooms

Garlic is a powerful herb and can be beneficial to your dog if used in small doses. Check with your homeopathic veterinarian before you use garlic as an herbal remedy for your dog. Garlic and dogs are not always the right combination, so you need to make sure it’s safe for your dog.

Fresh chopped or minced garlic is the only type to use for your dog. Use 1/4 clove for your 10-15-pound dog and 1/2 clove for your dog over 20 pounds. Only use garlic 2 or 3 times a week with at least one day between dosages.

Add chopped or minced garlic to your dog’s diet to help kill bacteria, reduce yeast levels, inhibit worms, and ward off parasites like fleas. Garlic is a good source of selenium, a powerful antioxidant.

These are ten benefits of garlic that may help your dog. Garlic and dogs could be a favorable combination as long as you check with your veterinarian and keep the dosage to a minimum. Here’s the take with garlic:

  1. Boosts your dog’s immune system and cell function in his bloodstream
  2. Dogs with cancer can benefit from Garlic
  3. Detox and liver flush
  4. Antibacterial & Antimicrobial
  5. Helps remove bacteria, viral and fungal infections
  6. Boosts defense against parasites like tapeworms
  7. Lowers blood cholesterol levels
  8. Useful herb for diabetes in dogs.
  9. Stimulates your dog’s stomach and intestines
  10. Increases your dog’s digestive organ function.

Garlic cloves vary in size, and you should keep that in mind when looking at safe raw dosages for your dog. You should also remember to give garlic use a break every few weeks.

It’s important to note that some studies show that garlic used as a health supplement for pets has not offered positive results. This is because although small doses of garlic may be safe for your dog, there is a lack of conclusive evidence as well as known risks.

Always consult with your veterinarian before using garlic as a supplement because with an incorrect dosage, you could harm your pup. Garlic toxicity occurs when your dog consumes large amounts of garlic, and your dog will need supportive veterinary care for this condition. Your vet may recommend intravenous fluids for hydration purposes and may also prescribe a pet med to control vomiting. Sometimes blood transfusions may be necessary.

Now you’ve read about the five warnings and ten benefits of garlic for dogs so you can keep your dog safe and healthy. Remember that garlic and dogs may not work for your dog, and be sure to check with your veterinarian before you consider garlic as an herbal remedy. As usual, opt for fresh, organic garlic when using as a supplement for dogs.

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