Chicken Allergies in Dogs: What You Need to Know

Most owners whose dogs have chicken allergies have three main concerns: whether chicken products like eggs can cause a reaction, if the dog will develop other allergies, what other foods could cause allergies. If you had these concerns before, reading this article must have helped you to address them.

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Insect Protein’s Benefits for Dogs

Not everyone thinks of including insect protein in a dog’s diet. But, doing so is beneficial in many ways.

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Why Dogs Have Panic Attacks and How You Can Help?

Why is your dog pacing around and trying to climb into your lap? It could be a panic attack! These episodes can compromise your pet's quality of life, so it's important to recognize and help them on time. Here's what you should know about your pup's panic attacks!

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Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Information

The Bernese Mountain Dog, also known as the Berner Sennenhund, belongs to the UKC Guardian Group and the AKC Working Group. This breed originated from Switzerland and has a calm and good-natured temperament.

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How Inadequate Nutrition Can Affect Your Pet’s Health

The importance of a high-quality pet diet cannot be understated. With adequate nutrition, your pet will live a healthier, happier, and longer life. What’s more, what you spend on food, you’ll save by not having to visit your veterinarian as often.

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Choosing The Right Dog Food – Tips & Tricks

No matter their breed, age or size, each dog is unique and requires a balanced diet to keep them healthy and happy.

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Wearable Technology Going to the Dogs and Cats

With smart pet monitoring solutions, users can make sure their pets are getting enough exercise and adjust their eating habits.

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The Complete Guide to Keep Your Pooch Happy

We always want to see our loved ones happy, including our pooches. As a pet parent, you would always want to see your dog playful, excited, and happy. Most pet owners think that it is an easy job.

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Irish Setter Dog Breed Profile

The Irish Setter has a rollicking personality. Shyness, hostility or timidity are uncharacteristic of the breed. An outgoing, stable temperament is the essence of the Irish Setter.

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7 Green Veggies That Dogs Can Eat

Commercial dog food manufacturers are increasing including some vegetables and fruits in their products. Vegetables afford us a variety of vitamins, minerals, fiber, enzymes, and phytonutrients that will not be found in meat.

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12 Different Types of Dogs – What You Should Know

Around the world, dogs are performing a variety of tasks that show how intelligent and varied they really are. There are roughly a dozen common types of dogs I’m going to talk about.

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10 Tips on How to be Successful in Training Your Dog

Keep training sessions upbeat and happy. Use positive reinforcement and motivational speech. Treat your dog gently. You’re trying to make this an enjoyable activity for both you and your dog.

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